
Boldomatic für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 2.11
  • 4.8

  • Sicherheitsstatus


Boldomatic: Das Instagram für Text

Boldomatic is a social networking app developed by Nerves GmbH for iPhone users. It has been featured in TechCrunch as the "Instagram for Text" and is the go-to platform for quotes and sayings. With a curated and ever-growing catalogue of almost one million statements, Boldomatic offers a creative space for writers to share their thoughts and ideas.

One of the unique features of Boldomatic is its shameless and partially offensive yet profound content. Users can explore witty sayings, quotes, poetry, song lyrics, or simply share their random thoughts. The app promotes freedom of expression and encourages users to create smart text with pure design.

What sets Boldomatic apart is its commitment to privacy. Unlike other social networking platforms, Boldomatic does not require users to login with Facebook or spam their friends. Users can choose to remain completely anonymous while enjoying the vibrant community of creative writers.

Join Boldomatic today and express yourself through the power of words.

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Boldomatic für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 2.11
  • 4.8

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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